Tutorials and Help

Working with ASP.NET Master Pages

Visual Studio .NET 2003
warning C2451: class <X> needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of class <Y>
GDB Tutorial
GDB is the GNU Debugger, a tool that every programmer should know how to use. This tutorial is for the basic to intermediate programmer (advanced programmers already know how to use GDB). If you're still trying to find segfaults by adding cerr or printf statements, this tutorial is definitely for you. GDB is a command-line tool, which makes it more difficult to use than a visual debugger. However, once you know GDB, visual debuggers are childs play.

Constructing Eye Rays

Transforming Normals (how to not screw things up)

Using the OpenGL Selection Buffer
Basic explanation of how to use the OpenGL GL_SELECT rendering mode, and what to do with it. No full program here, only snippets, but the explanation is rather thorough. It was written for my graphics class, so ignore the references to curves and control points.
Java and J2EE

Visual Age Java Swing Tutorial
This tutorial explains how to build a basic Swing program using IBM's Visual Age Java IDE. Probably not terribly relevant anymore, as they killed VAJ. However, you CPSC333'ers might still need it.

Installing Oracle 8.1.7 Enterprise Edition on Windows XP

CSG and Raytracing
I gave this lecture to Brian Wyvill's CPSC 407 class in November 2002. Covers CSG basics, raytracing CSG objects, and general raytracing hints & tips.
Radial Basis Functions
I gave this presentation on Radial Basis Functions to the Graphics Jungle Lab group in June 2002. Thanks to Dr. P for pointing out some errors.
Collision Detection
Kaye Mason asked me to give this lab lecture to her CPSC 585 students. CPSC 585 is the Games Programming course at the UofC. I covered a mish-mash of collision detection stuff that may be helpful.
Stable Fluids Paper Review
This is the presentation that accompanied my paper review of Jos Stam's 1999 SIGGRAPH paper, Stable Fluids. I do gloss over a few things...
Questions?Comments? Email rms@unknownroad.com.